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Site Terms

Site Terms

The material and information throughout the pages of this website are provided for general information purposes only. None of the information on this site is intended to constitute specific advice; no warranty, express or implied, is made about the accuracy or reliability of the information displayed throughout this website or at any other website to which this site is linked.

We encourage and advise users to seek the advice of certified professionals. Never disregard, delay or avoid seeking professional advice from a qualified professional because of anything you have read on this site, or any third-party sites.

You are here of your own free will and if you use the information on this website, or on any website to which this website is linked, you do so at your own risk. We reserve the right at any time to modify this site without prior notice.

General Information Policy

While we make a great deal of effort to bring above board, honest, open, and ethically correct information, much of the information we provide throughout this website can be curated via third-party entities. 

You must therefore do your own due diligence and research as although our intentions are only to bring information that is totally above board, we cannot control or be responsible for third-party entities and the information they may choose to provide to the Internet community.